Wynyard Quarter 1




Waterfront Auckland


May 2010 – August 2011

Dominion Constructors were contracted by Waterfront Auckland to create a shared space streetscapes upgrade, linking the Viaduct Gateway to the Western Wharf. In an area steeped rich in industrial heritage, Wynyard Quarter housed a mass of redundant and poor quality in-ground services. Before Dominion could commence surface work on the project over 30,000 tonnes of contaminated soil had to be removed, hydrocarbons and jet fuel from a historic spillage water table laden the ground. Dominion implemented associated environmental controls of odour control, gas detection equipment, disposable PPE and trucks for oil skimming’s and removal to ensure that no contamination entered the sea. Dominion also had the challenge of working in and around live in-ground services whilst removing kilometres of redundant fuel product lines many still laden with fuel.

The project comprised of more than 11,500m2 of basalt paving and sets being laid. Dominion also carried out the replacement of all existing in-ground services including the provision for new storm water and sewer reticulation systems, but also a kilometre of designated utility service trenching containing new water mains, gas mains and ducting for Vector, Telstra Clear and Telecom. Dominion laid 1.5km of tram tracks for the tramway project and refurbished 3.5km of wharf track and installed seven public artworks including Michio Ihara’s Wind Tree sculpture, previously at QE2 Square.

Wynyard Quarter presented a unique challenge due to its proximity to other construction sites and several operational businesses, bordered by, and entering into, a tidal harbour and split twice by roads that had to remain operational. Careful planning and communication by Dominion Constructors ensured minimal disruption throughout the project. The project achieved completion in little over a year in very trying ground conditions.


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